Yahoo! UI Library

Menu  2.9.0

Yahoo! UI Library > menu > contextmenu.js (source view)
(function () {

    var _XY = "xy",
        _MOUSEDOWN = "mousedown",
        _CONTEXTMENU = "ContextMenu",
        _SPACE = " ";

* Creates a list of options or commands which are made visible in response to 
* an HTML element's "contextmenu" event ("mousedown" for Opera).
* @param {String} p_oElement String specifying the id attribute of the 
* <code>&#60;div&#62;</code> element of the context menu.
* @param {String} p_oElement String specifying the id attribute of the 
* <code>&#60;select&#62;</code> element to be used as the data source for the 
* context menu.
* @param {<a href="
* html.html#ID-22445964">HTMLDivElement</a>} p_oElement Object specifying the 
* <code>&#60;div&#62;</code> element of the context menu.
* @param {<a href="
* html.html#ID-94282980">HTMLSelectElement</a>} p_oElement Object specifying 
* the <code>&#60;select&#62;</code> element to be used as the data source for 
* the context menu.
* @param {Object} p_oConfig Optional. Object literal specifying the 
* configuration for the context menu. See configuration class documentation 
* for more details.
* @class ContextMenu
* @constructor
* @extends YAHOO.widget.Menu
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
YAHOO.widget.ContextMenu = function(p_oElement, p_oConfig) {, p_oElement, p_oConfig);

var Event = YAHOO.util.Event,
    UA =,
    ContextMenu = YAHOO.widget.ContextMenu,

    * Constant representing the name of the ContextMenu's events
    * @property EVENT_TYPES
    * @private
    * @final
    * @type Object

        "TRIGGER_CONTEXT_MENU": "triggerContextMenu",
        "CONTEXT_MENU": (UA.opera ? _MOUSEDOWN : "contextmenu"),
        "CLICK": "click"

    * Constant representing the ContextMenu's configuration properties
    * @property DEFAULT_CONFIG
    * @private
    * @final
    * @type Object
        key: "trigger",
        suppressEvent: true

* @method position
* @description "beforeShow" event handler used to position the contextmenu.
* @private
* @param {String} p_sType String representing the name of the event that 
* was fired.
* @param {Array} p_aArgs Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
* @param {Array} p_aPos Array representing the xy position for the context menu.
function position(p_sType, p_aArgs, p_aPos) {
    this.cfg.setProperty(_XY, p_aPos);
    this.beforeShowEvent.unsubscribe(position, p_aPos);

YAHOO.lang.extend(ContextMenu, YAHOO.widget.Menu, {

// Private properties

* @property _oTrigger
* @description Object reference to the current value of the "trigger" 
* configuration property.
* @default null
* @private
* @type String|<a href="
* l-one-html.html#ID-58190037">HTMLElement</a>|Array
_oTrigger: null,

* @property _bCancelled
* @description Boolean indicating if the display of the context menu should 
* be cancelled.
* @default false
* @private
* @type Boolean
_bCancelled: false,

// Public properties

* @property contextEventTarget
* @description Object reference for the HTML element that was the target of the
* "contextmenu" DOM event ("mousedown" for Opera) that triggered the display of 
* the context menu.
* @default null
* @type <a href="
* html.html#ID-58190037">HTMLElement</a>
contextEventTarget: null,

// Events

* @event triggerContextMenuEvent
* @param type {String} The name of the event, "triggerContextMenu"
* @param args {Array} The array of event arguments. For this event, the underlying
* DOM event is the only argument, available from args[0].
* @description Custom Event wrapper for the "contextmenu" DOM event 
* ("mousedown" for Opera) fired by the element(s) that trigger the display of 
* the context menu.
triggerContextMenuEvent: null,

* @method init
* @description The ContextMenu class's initialization method. This method is 
* automatically called by the constructor, and sets up all DOM references for 
* pre-existing markup, and creates required markup if it is not already present.
* @param {String} p_oElement String specifying the id attribute of the 
* <code>&#60;div&#62;</code> element of the context menu.
* @param {String} p_oElement String specifying the id attribute of the 
* <code>&#60;select&#62;</code> element to be used as the data source for 
* the context menu.
* @param {<a href="
* html.html#ID-22445964">HTMLDivElement</a>} p_oElement Object specifying the 
* <code>&#60;div&#62;</code> element of the context menu.
* @param {<a href="
* html.html#ID-94282980">HTMLSelectElement</a>} p_oElement Object specifying 
* the <code>&#60;select&#62;</code> element to be used as the data source for 
* the context menu.
* @param {Object} p_oConfig Optional. Object literal specifying the 
* configuration for the context menu. See configuration class documentation 
* for more details.
init: function(p_oElement, p_oConfig) {

    // Call the init of the superclass (YAHOO.widget.Menu), p_oElement);;

    if (p_oConfig) {
        this.cfg.applyConfig(p_oConfig, true);

* @method initEvents
* @description Initializes the custom events for the context menu.
initEvents: function() {;

    // Create custom events
    this.triggerContextMenuEvent = this.createEvent(EVENT_TYPES.TRIGGER_CONTEXT_MENU);
    this.triggerContextMenuEvent.signature = YAHOO.util.CustomEvent.LIST;

* @method cancel
* @description Cancels the display of the context menu.
cancel: function() {
    this._bCancelled = true;

// Private methods

* @method _removeEventHandlers
* @description Removes all of the DOM event handlers from the HTML element(s) 
* whose "context menu" event ("click" for Opera) trigger the display of 
* the context menu.
* @private
_removeEventHandlers: function() {

    var oTrigger = this._oTrigger;

    // Remove the event handlers from the trigger(s)
    if (oTrigger) {
        Event.removeListener(oTrigger, EVENT_TYPES.CONTEXT_MENU, this._onTriggerContextMenu);    

        if (UA.opera) {
            Event.removeListener(oTrigger, EVENT_TYPES.CLICK, this._onTriggerClick);


// Private event handlers

* @method _onTriggerClick
* @description "click" event handler for the HTML element(s) identified as the 
* "trigger" for the context menu.  Used to cancel default behaviors in Opera.
* @private
* @param {Event} p_oEvent Object representing the DOM event object passed back 
* by the event utility (YAHOO.util.Event).
* @param {YAHOO.widget.ContextMenu} p_oMenu Object representing the context 
* menu that is handling the event.
_onTriggerClick: function(p_oEvent, p_oMenu) {

    if (p_oEvent.ctrlKey) {

* @method _onTriggerContextMenu
* @description "contextmenu" event handler ("mousedown" for Opera) for the HTML 
* element(s) that trigger the display of the context menu.
* @private
* @param {Event} p_oEvent Object representing the DOM event object passed back 
* by the event utility (YAHOO.util.Event).
* @param {YAHOO.widget.ContextMenu} p_oMenu Object representing the context 
* menu that is handling the event.
_onTriggerContextMenu: function(p_oEvent, p_oMenu) {

    var aXY;

    if (!(p_oEvent.type == _MOUSEDOWN && !p_oEvent.ctrlKey)) {
        this.contextEventTarget = Event.getTarget(p_oEvent);
        if (!this._bCancelled) {

                Prevent the browser's default context menu from appearing and 
                stop the propagation of the "contextmenu" event so that 
                other ContextMenu instances are not displayed.


            // Hide any other Menu instances that might be visible


            // Position and display the context menu
            aXY = Event.getXY(p_oEvent);
            if (!YAHOO.util.Dom.inDocument(this.element)) {
                this.beforeShowEvent.subscribe(position, aXY);
            else {
                this.cfg.setProperty(_XY, aXY);
        this._bCancelled = false;



// Public methods

* @method toString
* @description Returns a string representing the context menu.
* @return {String}
toString: function() {

    var sReturnVal = _CONTEXTMENU,
        sId =;

    if (sId) {

        sReturnVal += (_SPACE + sId);

    return sReturnVal;


* @method initDefaultConfig
* @description Initializes the class's configurable properties which can be 
* changed using the context menu's Config object ("cfg").
initDefaultConfig: function() {;

    * @config trigger
    * @description The HTML element(s) whose "contextmenu" event ("mousedown" 
    * for Opera) trigger the display of the context menu.  Can be a string 
    * representing the id attribute of the HTML element, an object reference 
    * for the HTML element, or an array of strings or HTML element references.
    * @default null
    * @type String|<a href="
    * level-one-html.html#ID-58190037">HTMLElement</a>|Array
            handler: this.configTrigger, 
            suppressEvent: TRIGGER_CONFIG.suppressEvent 


* @method destroy
* @description Removes the context menu's <code>&#60;div&#62;</code> element 
* (and accompanying child nodes) from the document.
* @param {boolean} shallowPurge If true, only the parent element's DOM event listeners are purged. If false, or not provided, all children are also purged of DOM event listeners. 
* NOTE: The flag is a "shallowPurge" flag, as opposed to what may be a more intuitive "purgeChildren" flag to maintain backwards compatibility with behavior prior to 2.9.0.
destroy: function(shallowPurge) {

    // Remove the DOM event handlers from the current trigger(s)


    // Continue with the superclass implementation of this method, shallowPurge);


// Public event handlers for configuration properties

* @method configTrigger
* @description Event handler for when the value of the "trigger" configuration 
* property changes. 
* @param {String} p_sType String representing the name of the event that 
* was fired.
* @param {Array} p_aArgs Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
* @param {YAHOO.widget.ContextMenu} p_oMenu Object representing the context 
* menu that fired the event.
configTrigger: function(p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oMenu) {
    var oTrigger = p_aArgs[0];

    if (oTrigger) {

            If there is a current "trigger" - remove the event handlers 
            from that element(s) before assigning new ones

        if (this._oTrigger) {


        this._oTrigger = oTrigger;

            Listen for the "mousedown" event in Opera b/c it does not 
            support the "contextmenu" event
        Event.on(oTrigger, EVENT_TYPES.CONTEXT_MENU, this._onTriggerContextMenu, this, true);

            Assign a "click" event handler to the trigger element(s) for
            Opera to prevent default browser behaviors.

        if (UA.opera) {
            Event.on(oTrigger, EVENT_TYPES.CLICK, this._onTriggerClick, this, true);


    else {

}); // END YAHOO.lang.extend


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